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Relax requirements for LegacyForwardIterator

From: connor horman <chorman64_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 18:35:06 -0500
I have a library that provides, among other things, ranges of integer
values. The range is very useful, with one exception. The iterator type is
stuck on LegacyInputIterator. The reason is that operator* returns
by-value, which is valid because, among other limitations, the type must be
trivially copyable. Other than this fact, it could be a
LegacyRandomAccessIterator (given that indexing or advancing by a
non-single step is O(1)). The only issue is that I can’t move the iterator
type passed LegacyForwardIterator (note that I do not know for certain but
I believe ranges ForwardIterator has this same limit), as
LegacyForwardIterator requires reference to be, in fact, a reference type.
As shown, LegacyForwardIterator having this is a massive roadblock. The
only constraint this type does not satisfy is this single requirement 2
levels up.
This restriction could be relaxed in certain situations.

 I propose to relax the limitations as follows;
Given A LegacyForwardIterator type FI, with element_type T:
If, T is trivially copyable, then FI::reference and FI::const_reference may
both be T. Such a LegacyForwardIterator would not be mutable. All other
constraints of LegacyForwardIterator MUST still be satisfied.

Received on 2019-11-03 17:37:34