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Re: About the description of [basic.life]/6

From: Tadeus Prastowo <tadeus.prastowo_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2020 22:26:43 +0200
On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 10:19 PM Andrew Schepler <aschepler_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> > If my approach is taken, I think everything already falls in place properly and a DR is not needed.
> I'm not sure if I understand what you've said. I think you've concluded that paragraph 6 applies to pb and paragraph 7 applies to *pb despite the fact that the storage has been reused.

Yes, that's right.

> Is that because the phrase "such a pointer" refers to the noun phrase "any pointer that represents the address of the storage location where the object will be or was located", but without the preceding qualifications of "Before ... or, after ... released"?

Yes, that's right.

> I think that would be a strange reading, for a few reasons. Or is it something else?

No, it is not something else. I think you already understand my approach.

Best regards,

Received on 2020-04-18 15:29:52