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[SG7] SG7 Meeting P1240R2 on February 2th at 16:00 UTC

From: Hana Dusíková <hanicka_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 19:28:38 +0100
Hello wonderful SG7! (and LEWG + EWG) ❤️

We are going to have a meeting dedicated for a real-time discussion about P1240R2 (in latest mailing, or in Wg21telecons2022 wiki).

Due absence of any other paper in our domain the objective is to remove any confusion and settle design problems if there are any. If we succeed then on a next meeting (roughly one month later) we will vote to push this paper forward to a joined LEWG/EWG session as the design we expect to somehow land in 26 😱

⚡️ First meeting will happen at February 2th (Wednesday) at 16:00 UTC (11am EST, 8am PCT, 17:00 CET) at this zoom meeting:

https://iso.zoom.us/j/96651261533?pwd=dEIrdzQ0eXk4Z1ZaZHpmMmkrVWNCQT09 <https://iso.zoom.us/j/96651261533?pwd=dEIrdzQ0eXk4Z1ZaZHpmMmkrVWNCQT09>

🕠 Expected duration for this meeting will be hour and half.

I hope you all are well and I'm looking forward to see all of you there.

Hana 🤷🏻‍♀️

PS: I hope all the dates and times are correct 😉

Received on 2022-01-18 18:28:40