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Re: [isocpp-sg16] Agenda for the 2024-05-08 SG16 meeting

From: Tom Honermann <tom_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2024 10:44:36 -0400
On 5/7/24 2:51 PM, Tiago Freire via SG16 wrote:
> > The design needs to be driven by use cases (and ideally not by
> theoretical concerns that should inform the specification but not
> necessarily the interface)
> > Python will not understand our custom escape sequence so it will
> just randomly fail on some identifiers until someone does the work to
> implement a "escaped c++ identifiers to utf8" in their python
> framework. or js framework, or all the 100s of tools that will exist.
> >Same for runtime reflection.
> > [… Edited for brevity…]
> > Ultimately, I agree with Victor. If we really want to optimize for
> round tripping, and support both narrow encoding utf-8
> semi-transparently a magic object is not the worst idea.
> > But if we are trying to find a text encoding scheme that does not
> lose data, I would suggest we use the one we already have :)
> I would lean more towards not having an escape sequence.
> Providing at least the “literal encoding” should be the base, u8 very
> much optional (if you want you could generate those by transcoding,
> hence I think the issue of transcoders are important), as I assume
> that this could be use for example to resolve symbol names, correct me
> if I’m wrong but symbol names exist in any platforms, those are
> related to identifier names and have rules regarding what could be
> resolved as a symbol name.
How identifiers are mapped to symbol names is an implementation detail
and is not portable.

At the moment, I don't think anyone has advocated for exposing mangled
symbol names using the reflection facilities.

> Unicode is quite an extensive collection of glyphs, even if it doesn’t
> have everything, perhaps if you have written an identifier that
> doesn’t convert back to utf8 and you get into trouble… maybe don’t use
> those to write code?
That is something that the author of such an identifier might consider,
but it doesn't help a generic reflection library author to write code
that works with all valid identifiers.


Received on 2024-05-08 14:44:39