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Re: Agenda for the 2024-04-24 SG16 meeting

From: Tom Honermann <tom_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 19:51:49 -0400
On 4/18/24 7:32 PM, Peter Dimov via SG16 wrote:
> Tom Honermann wrote:
>> As far as I can tell, P2996R2 does not specify any functions that consume
>> strings in the returned encoding.
> `data_member_spec` can take a name, which can come from `name_of`
> if, for instance, one replicates the members of an existing class into a new
> one.

Thank you, I missed that.

It seems that the wording is currently missing for both data_member_spec
and data_member_options_t.

> We should reasonably expect this to result in a member with the same
> name as the original.

Indeed. This implies that the returned names are expected to round-trip.


Received on 2024-04-18 23:51:50