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Unicode text terminal working group

From: Fraser Gordon <fraserjgordon+cpp_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 18:12:23 -0400
Hi folks,

I'm chairing a Unicode working group looking at the problems with complex
script support in text terminals. Each terminal implementation tends to
have its own way of rendering text that doesn't fit into a single cell (and
often with different cursor behaviour where BiDi or shaping is involved).
This affects many non-latin scripts, as well as the emoji that we all love.

I'm hoping that some of the TTWG's outputs will eventually make it into the
C and C++ standards (e.g as better width measurement in std::format). I'll
keep SG16 updated with what's going on but other participants are very
welcome too.

If you're interested in observing or being involved, let me know and I'll
get you signed up to the TTWG mailing list.


Received on 2024-04-11 22:12:36