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Re: Undated reference to Unicode Standard and UAX #29

From: Jens Maurer <jens.maurer_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2024 22:33:29 +0100
On 06/01/2024 19.35, Ville Voutilainen wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Jan 2024 at 19:37, Jens Maurer via SG16 <sg16_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>> I think I'd prefer if we just somehow say that implementations can define which Unicode standard they conform to. That way if a conforming C++23 implementation uses Unicode 15.1.0 (the latest version today) then it doesn't become non-conforming overnight when a new Unicode standard is published. We can recommend that implementations pin themselves to a recent Unicode standard, and even recommend that implementations should (if possible) update to use newer Unicode standards as they become available.
>> Hm... That's not how normative references are supposed to work in an ISO world,
>> I think ("pick the version you want" -- no), but we could certainly try that.
> Well, that's how our normative reference to C works, for a standard
> ISO considers obsoleted when we publish a new standard.

Not really. For C, we refer to a specific dated version, and even if
obsoleted by ISO, the contents stays the same.

The suggestion here was to permit the implementation to choose
(and document) a version of the Unicode standard of their liking,
and claim conformance to the C++ standard either way.
That part is what feels novel: it is a squishy normative reference.

> But how normative references work doesn't actually matter; what
> Jonathan is asking for is that we add weasel-wording that
> keeps old compilers conforming to the old standard, while allowing
> them to update to a newer one - which is what actually
> happens. An EOL compiler might not get updated, but it shouldn't just
> become non-conforming because things move underneath.
> The point isn't conformance in the strict ISO sense, the point is
> being able to say that not updating an EOL compiler isn't
> a conformance bug as such. It conformed to C++23, and remains so, and
> the publication of C++26 or a newer Unicode
> standard doesn't change that it conforms to C++23, which is
> practically meaningful even if ISO likes to pretend otherwise.

I think the current evidence that Unicode algorithms actually change
(not just the character repertoire), possibly in a way that requires
ABI-incompatible updates, gives me pause. I think well-defined
stability of our work product is more important than mid-term
updates for some features people have lived without for three decades,
for better or worse.

I've made


to get the normative reference fixed to Unicode 15.0,
which was the current one at the time of finalizing C++23.
This will be applied as a DR, so implementers are aware
this is what "C++23" means as far as character handling
is concerned.

A short paper suggesting to update to Unicode 15.1 (or v16)
relatively shortly before C++26 is finalized is very welcome,
even more so if it contains a summary of the changes
relevant for C++. Implementers know how to offer post-C++23
features to their audience without disturbing their C++23 mode.

The above is my (personal) suggestion how to handle the issue;
I've forwarded the core issue to both SG16 and LWG to gather
further feedback:



Received on 2024-01-06 21:33:33