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SG16 meeting summary for August 23rd, 2023

From: Tom Honermann <tom_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2023 17:22:26 -0400
The summary for the SG16 meeting held August 23rd, 2023 is now
available. For those that attended, please review and suggest corrections.

  * https://github.com/sg16-unicode/sg16-meetings#august-23rd-2023

*Please note that LEWG will be discussing P2909R1 (Fix formatting of
code units as integers; Dude, where's my char‽) tomorrow, September 5th,
from 15:00 to 16:30 UTC.*

The following polls were taken:

*Poll 1: Modify P2909R0 "Dude, where's my char‽" to maintain
semi-consistency with printf such that the 'b', 'B', 'o', 'x', and 'X'
conversions convert all integer types as unsigned.*

  * Attendees: 8 (1 abstention)
    SF F N A SA
    1 2 0 2 2

  * No consensus.

*Poll 2: Modify P2909R0 "Dude, where's my char‽" to remove the change to
handling of the 'd' specifier.*

  * Attendees: 8 (1 abstention)
    SF F N A SA
    2 1 2 1 1

  * No consensus.

*Poll 3: Forward P2909R0 "Dude, where's my char‽", amended with a
descriptive title, an expanded before/after table, and fixed CharT
wording, to LEWG with the recommendation to adopt it as a Defect Report.*

  * Attendees: 8 (1 abstention)
    SF F N A SA
    2 2
     2 1 0

  * Weak consensus.


Received on 2023-09-04 21:22:30