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Paper requested for format escaping NB comments US-38-098 and FR-005-134

From: Bryce Adelstein Lelbach aka wash <brycelelbach_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2022 13:43:52 -1000
We voted to resolve format escaping NB comments US-38-098 and FR-005-134 at
the 2022-11 Kona meeting in both SG16 and Library Evolution.

However, the resolution we voted on is not as simple as "adopt the proposed
resolution in the comments". It took me 10 minutes of reading minutes and
poll results to determine what exactly we had approved.

Therefore, I'm going to need a short paper that resolves these NB comments
for the Library Evolution electronic poll. It should have a brief overview
and motivation (I'm not looking for much there) and the specific wording
that resolves these NB comments.

Ideally, I'd get the paper today, or at least by 2022-11-14 so that it can
be included in the post meeting Library Evolution polls. At the latest, I'd
need it by 2023-01-01.

Bryce Adelstein Lelbach aka wash (he/him/his)
US Programming Language Standards Chair
ISO C++ Library Evolution Chair
Principal Architect @ NVIDIA

Received on 2022-11-11 23:44:21