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Proposal for low-level Unicode decoding and encoding

From: Dimitrij Mijoski <dim.mj.p_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2022 23:13:07 +0200
(This proposal is also available on Github
https://github.com/dimztimz/unicode-proposal if it is hard to read from the

I propose that in the library we should standardize low-level facilities
for transformations between Unicode encodings. Low-level means that the
proposal generally does not introduce new types. It mostly contains
functions and function templates that only work with existing ranges,
strings, iterators and indexes. It is only for UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 and
nothing else.

My opinion is that this should be done before standardizing high-level
facilities (that introduce new types) like std::text or Unicode iterators.

The functions will fall in four categories:

   1. *Functions that decode/encode only one code point.* ICU has this
   functionality in utf8.h
   and utf16.h
   but it is implemented as macros that are not type-safe.
   2. *Functions that take the full input and write to a fixed-size range.*
   ICU has a lot of such functions. Some examples are in header ustring.h
   for example u_strToUTF8
   or u_strFromUTF8
   If the output does not fit in the given output range they return error and
   return the size needed for the complete output.
   3. *Functions that take the full input and write to a resizable range.*
   Example in ICU is icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8
   4. *Functions that take input in chunks and write in chunks.* They keep
   a state between calls. Examples are ucnv_fromUnicode
   and ucnv_toUnicode
   std::codecvt is also such an API, but it is hard to use. The problem
   with codecvt comes from the return value partial. If that is returned,
   one has to do additional complicated checks to see if the input has an
   incomplete sequence at the end of the chunk or the output chunk has no more
   space. Additionally, codevt may or may not save the few incomplete input
   bytes at the end into the state, the standard makes no guarantees.

I will now focus on the first group of functions.
that decode/encode only one code point

This group contains functions that do the following operations:

   - decode the next code point
   - decode the previous code point
   - move the index/iterator to the next code point without decoding it
   - move the index/iterator to the previous code point without decoding it
   - adjust index/iterator to point the start of the code point
   - encode a code point into some range
   - truncate the end of a range (move end iterator) if it contains an
   incomplete sequence of the last code point (incomplete means the sequence
   seen so far is valid, the rest if its bytes maybe are in a different chunk).

See ICU header utf8.h
for all details.

Almost all operations come in two flavors, one that can accept invalid
sequences and another that must have valid sequences. We will consider
these flavors as separate operations.

For each operation there should be at least 2 functions (or function

   1. One that takes a string (or more generally, a range) and index and
   returns a new index.
   2. One that takes a pair of iterators and returns an updated iterator.

I will now show a few examples how such functions can be defined and
implemented using ICU.

#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <unicode/utf8.h>
using namespace std;
// In the bellow functions consider Str, Index, Iter as template type
parametersusing Str = string;using Index = Str::size_type;using Iter =
Str::const_iterator;using OutIt = Str::iterator;
/* =========== OPERATION: U8_NEXT =============== */
constexpr char32_t cp_error = -1;
auto u8_advance_i(const Str& s, Index& i) -> char32_t
 char32_t cp;
 auto sz = size(s);
 U8_NEXT(s, i, sz, cp);
 return cp;
}auto u8_next_i(const Str& s, Index i) -> std::pair<Index, char32_t>
 auto cp = u8_advance_i(s, i);
 return {i, cp};
}auto u8_advance_it(Iter& first, Iter last) -> char32_t
 auto i = Iter::difference_type();
 auto sz = distance(first, last);
 char32_t cp;
 U8_NEXT(first, i, sz, cp);
 advance(first, i);
 return cp;
}auto u8_next_it(Iter first, Iter last) -> std::pair<Iter, char32_t>
 auto cpe = u8_advance_it(first, last);
 return {first, cpe};
/* =========== OPERATION: U8_NEXT_UNSAFE =============== */auto
valid_u8_advance_i(const Str& s, Index& i) -> char32_t
 char32_t c;
 U8_NEXT_UNSAFE(s, i, c);
 return c;
}auto valid_u8_next_i(const Str& s, Index i) -> std::pair<Index, char32_t>
 auto c = valid_u8_advance_i(s, i);
 return {i, c};
}auto valid_u8_advance_it(Iter& first) -> char32_t
 auto i = Iter::difference_type();
 char32_t c;
 U8_NEXT_UNSAFE(first, i, c);
 return c;
}auto valid_u8_next_it(Iter first) -> std::pair<Iter, char32_t>
 auto c = valid_u8_advance_it(first);
 return {first, c};
/* =========== OPERATION: U8_APPEND =============== */
// starts writing at s[i]. Checks for space except for the first
element s[i],// i < size(s) is precondition.auto
encode_advance_u8(char32_t CP, Str& s, Index& i) -> bool
 auto sz = size(s);
 auto err = false;
 U8_APPEND(s, i, sz, CP, err);
 return !err;
}auto encode_u8(char32_t CP, Str& s, Index i) -> std::pair<Index, bool>
 auto ok = encode_advance_u8(CP, s, i);
 return {i, ok};
// Writes to out, can check for space except for the first element
i.e.// out < last is precondition.auto encode_u8(char32_t CP, OutIt
out, OutIt last) -> std::pair<OutIt, bool>
 auto i = OutIt::difference_type();
 auto sz = distance(out, last);
 auto err = false;
 U8_APPEND(out, i, sz, CP, err);
 return {out + i, !err};
// writes to out, can not check for spacetemplate <class OutIt>auto
encode_u8(char32_t CP, OutIt out) -> std::pair<OutIt, bool>
 auto i = typename iterator_traits<OutIt>::difference_type();
 auto sz = i + 4;
 auto err = false;
 U8_APPEND(out, i, sz, CP, err);
 return {out + i, !err};
/* =========== OPERATION: U8_APPEND_UNSAFE =============== */auto
encode_valid_cp_u8(char32_t CP, Str& s, Index i) -> Index
 return i;
template <class OutIt>auto encode_valid_cp_u8(char32_t CP, OutIt out) -> OutIt
 auto i = typename iterator_traits<OutIt>::difference_type();
 U8_APPEND_UNSAFE(out, i, CP);
 return out + i;
/* =========== USAGE EXAMPLES =============== */void u8_next_usage(Str& s)
 // u8_advance_i, index is inout parameter
 for (size_t i = 0; i != size(s);) {
  auto cp = u8_advance_i(s, i);
  // process cp
 for (size_t i = 0; i != size(s);) {
  auto j = i;
  auto cp = u8_advance_i(s, j);
  auto cp_size = j - i;
  // process cp
  i = j;
 for (size_t j = 0; j != size(s);) {
  auto i = j;
  auto cp = u8_advance_i(s, j);
  auto cp_size = j - i;
  // process cp
 for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i != size(s); i = j) {
  auto cp = u8_advance_i(s, j);
  auto cp_size = j - i;
  // process cp

 // u8_next_i, index in return value
 for (size_t i = 0; i != size(s);) {
  char32_t cp;
  std::tie(i, cp) = u8_next_i(s, i);
  // process cp
 for (size_t i = 0; i != size(s);) {
  auto [j, cp] = u8_next_i(s, i);
  auto cp_size = j - i;
  // process cp
  i = j;
 for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i != size(s); i = j) {
  auto [jj, cp] = u8_next_i(s, i);
  j = jj;
  auto cp_size = j - i;
  // process cp
 for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i != size(s); i = j) {
  char32_t cp;
  std::tie(j, cp) = u8_next_i(s, i);
  auto cp_size = j - i;
  // process cp
auto find_cp_faster(const string& s, char32_t cp) -> size_t
 char enc_cp[4];
 auto [it, ok] = encode_u8(cp, enc_cp);
 if (!ok)
  return s.npos;
 auto sv = string_view(enc_cp, it - enc_cp);
 return s.find(sv);
auto find_cp_slower(const string& s, char32_t cp) -> size_t
 for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i != size(s); i = j) {
  auto [jj, dec_cp] = u8_next_i(s, i);
  j = jj;
  if (dec_cp == cp_error)
  else if (dec_cp == cp)
   return i;
 return s.npos;

Looking at the above functions, I can ask few questions:


   How should the error be reported in u8_next? These are the options I
   have considered:

      Use int32_t as a type for code point in u8_next and return a negative
      value, exactly the same as ICU.

      Use char32_t as a type for code point in u8_next and return
      unspecified high value above the Unicode range, i.e. casting the negative
      int from ICU to the unsigned char32_t.

      Use a separate variable with its own type (some enum like std::errc).

      Abstract the error in lightweight "sum" type code_point_or_error that
      resembles std::expected or std::optional but that can be implemented
      with just a single char32_t or with int32_t. std::expected and
      std::optional must use additional bool internally.

      Use a single sentinel value for error, signed -1 or unsigned
      0xFFFFFFFF. I noticed the exact implementation of U8_NEXT in ICU and
      it relies on U8_INTERNAL_NEXT_OR_SUB and uses exactly -1 to signal
      error, and not any other negative value. The sentinel can be
even a special
      type with an overloaded operator==.

      Use a slightly more type-safe variant of number 5, define an enum as
      a strong typedef for char32_t.

      enum class code_point_or_error: char32_t {
        error = char32_t(-1)

      For now I decided for the solution number 5, to use sentinel value.
   It goes with the idea of being low-level and not introducing new types.

   Should the size of the encoded sequence of the code point be returned?
   Probably not. In the examples above I just subtract indexes to get that

   Should we use return values or out-parameters? For the code point and
   error definitely use return value, but for the index or iterator both APIs
   make sense. Those parameters are actually in-out not just out. The standard
   library rarely uses out-parameters. Of all the algorithms with iterators,
   only std::advance() uses that.

   Should the functions with string and index be generic or should they
   work only with string_view? Probably they should be generic as there are
   multiple character types that can be used for one encoding, e.g. char
   and char8_t for UTF-8. Then we can ask should they be generic for any
   range or just for basic_string_view? My vote is fully generic, as that
   way they will work with plain old arrays with known size too.

Received on 2022-10-06 21:13:20