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Re: [isocpp-core] P2295 Support for UTF-8 as a portable source file encoding

From: Daniel Krügler <daniel.kruegler_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2022 15:21:59 +0200
Am Sa., 11. Juni 2022 um 10:01 Uhr schrieb Corentin via Core
> New draft, using that wording, except that I'm not touching the end of line indicators, so that we can do that in P2348
> https://isocpp.org/files/papers/D2295R6.pdf

- The drafting note contains a typo in ”pysical source file characters”
- In the normative wording changes of p1 the added note has no ending bracket.

- Daniel

Received on 2022-06-11 13:22:11