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[SG16] How to non-ASCII/UTF-8 environments cope with open source?

From: Alisdair Meredith <alisdairm_at_[hidden]>
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2020 13:38:34 -0400
Related to Tom’s pending paper, I am wondering if anyone with experience
can report on how non-ASCII/unicode toolchains cope with open source
projects, which are usually under source control that is encoded in something
very much like ASCII/UTF-8?

Do they maintain a parallel source tree that is transcoded?
Do they maintain separate transcoded packages to distribute for their environment?
Are such environments naturally hesitant to use open source due to such
obstacles, so the question rarely arises?
Some other variation as my imagination is quite limited?


Received on 2020-09-09 12:42:07