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[SG16] Reminder: SG16 telecon tomorrow (Wednesday, 2020-07-22)

From: Tom Honermann <tom_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 10:38:59 -0400
This is your friendly reminder that an SG16 telecon will be held
tomorrow, Wednesday July 22nd, at 19:30 UTC (timezone conversion
To attend, visit https://bluejeans.com/140274541 at the start of the

Please review P2139R2 <https://wg21.link/p2139r2> proposed solutions
D.20-D.23, Jens' DXXXXR0
<https://wiki.edg.com/pub/Wg21summer2020/SG16/concatenation.html>, and
Corentin's P2178R0 <https://wg21.link/p2178r0> before this meeting.

This meeting will be conducted via Blue Jeans. I'm working on getting
setup with a non-basic Zoom account, but don't have one yet; I am
planning to switch to Zoom soon for the polling benefits.

The agenda for the meeting is:

  * P2139R2: Reviewing Deprecated Facilities of C++20 for C++23
      o Provide recommendations for D.20-D.23.
  * DXXXXR0: <Jens' paper to make mixed encoding string literal
    concatenation ill-formed>
      o Validate consensus to encourage that this paper be forwarded
        directly to core.
  * P2178R0: Misc lexing and string handling improvements
      o Begin discussions on the various proposals.
      o Possibly begin taking direction polls.

Anticipated decisions to be made at this meeting include:

  * Recommendations for LEWG regarding removal of deprecated features
    listed in P2139R2 <https://wg21.link/p2139r2> D.20-D.23.
  * Whether to recommend to the EWG chair that Jens' paper regarding
    ill-formed string literal concatenation be forwarded directly to core.

No decisions will be made with regard to P2178R0
<https://wg21.link/p2178r0> (we may take some direction polls).


Received on 2020-07-21 09:42:19