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Re: [SG16-Unicode] code_unit_sequence and code_point_sequence

From: keld_at <keld_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2018 22:05:36 +0200

I have not participated in your discussions before, but I have some experience
in the area, having been a coeditor of 10646, and being the editor of 30112
with i18n specs, also of charsets, and involved in POSIX i18n, and I am
writing some proposal for reentrant APIs for C. I was also involved in writing recommendations
to all SC22 WGs om character set usage some years ago, including guidance on 10646.

Is your code point advisory the same as codepoints in 10646/Unicode, also
called characters in 10646?

And why not just treat these as 32-bit wchar-t?
I believe this is what we do in C.

Then you can have functions converting to and from wchar-t.
This is then aligned with SC2 terminology.
I wrote a character handling model once on this, which I belived
Unicode had a close look at.

Best regards

Received on 2018-06-19 22:05:36