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Re: [SG10] Updates to SD-6: N4190

From: Jens Maurer <Jens.Maurer_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 23:17:21 +0100
On 01/08/2015 06:33 PM, Nelson, Clark wrote:
> So I'm suggesting that macros for these removed features might not be
> justified -- as we similarly decided that no macro is needed to indicate the
> removal of trigraphs.

Sounds reasonable.

Any real-world code using the removed stuff will probably fail to
compile, prompting some source code rewrite. So you'd have

#ifdef __cpp_lib_unique_ptr (or whatever the name is)
  // use unique_ptr
  // must be an old compiler, use auto_ptr


Received on 2015-01-08 23:22:36