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[wg14/wg21 liaison] Rebasing C++ to C23

From: Nina Dinka Ranns <dinka.ranns_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 11:32:11 +0000
Hi all,

with the release of C23, the C++ standard needs to be updated too.
We're looking for a volunteer or a group of volunteers to help with that
effort. I'm cheekily adding the people who did this for C11 in hope of
getting them interested in doing the same thing again. :)

Some helpful comments from Jens Maurer below :

- The C++ core language description is independent of C, but
the library clauses inherit from and delegate quite a bit of
stuff to C. Those clauses need careful review.

 - Primarily, it takes a volunteer or a group thereof to produce a
WG21-targeted paper to apply the wording changes deemed necessary.
The paper should be reviewed by LEWG to confirm intent and direction.
Having an SG22 review seems also to be a good idea, to confirm
mutual understanding of the C library facilities.

 - The volunteers don't need to be on both committees, but a change log
of the C23 changes is certainly helpful. Seems WG14 N3096 has such a
changelog. See also wg14_document_log

 - At the very least, subclause references for C library facilities
need to be checked and/or updated. Also, the C++ standard shows
complete headers for library facilities inherited from C, so those
headers need updates for new facilities added to C (e.g. strdup).

 - This needs to be an "atomic" update, because our normative reference
can either refer to C11 or to C23, and the rest of the text needs to
match the chosen reference.

 - If incorporating some C language (not library) facilities
is deemed a good idea, those should be covered by separate papers
(one per facility), to be reviewed by EWG and CWG.

Any takers ?

Thank you !

Received on 2024-01-26 11:32:23