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Re: [wg14/wg21 liaison] Multidimensional subscript operator

From: will wray <wjwray_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 15:46:11 -0400
This proposal is poorly motivated and deleterious, IMO.
Unfortunately it is popular / populist so acceptance looks likely.
That'll be a mistake as it is an actively damaging change.

Let me explain (at least so I can say "told you so").

The R5 revision states that EWG requested more motivation.
The new R5 motivation simply rearranges previous prose into
a sequence of bullet-points with (Clouseau style) conclusion:
 • Therefore, we should let operator[] take multiple arguments.

Please Non! What's the problem?

In C, the subscript operator returns a subobject lvalue. Good.

In C++, subscript operator overload should follow suit - it does,
mostly, but vector-of-bool returns proxy-reference instead -
this is now generally accepted as a very nasty design flaw.

In C++, multi-indexing is done with paren function-call syntax.
This is by now well established practice and is semantically fine.
Multi-indexing is indeed a functional mapping, often partial.
(P2128 protests parens "carry the wrong semantic implications").
Paren multi-indexing could just as easily (or more easily) be
extended to C, as nested C array has natural partial indexing.

Multi-indexing is most powerful when partial-indexing can return
a proxy reference, i.e. not necessarily an actual subobject.
When indexing with parens, devs know to expect a proxy result.

So, there is a clear semantic distinction with the status quo:
[i] means subobject indexing, returning a language lvalue
(i...) means multi-indexing, possibly partial, returning a proxy

This proposal adds:
[i...] what does this mean?
With operator overloading, it could mean anything at all.
The intended "motivating" use case conflates subobject vs proxy;
an infamous gotcha and dangerous pitfall.
Devs will have to carefully check the semantics.

P2128 is proposing something unprecedented - to add a new
C++ operator that has no current core language meaning.
This might constrain future language evolution, C and C++.

A more useful core language meaning might be:

    int a[4] = {1,2,3,4};

    a[1,2] = a[2,1]; // swap
    a[1,2,3,0] = a[0,1,2,3]; // it's a rotate !

Of course, this _could_ be done with the proposed C++ overload.
That's the problem - it _could_ do anything - anything at all.
It muddies what is currently a clear semantic distinction.

On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 2:36 PM will wray <wjwray_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Glad you bring this up.
> "generic interoperability with C-style pointer-to-pointer arrays c"
> I had a similar reaction on reading that section;
> firstly confusion - what exactly does it mean,
> then unease - do they know of the approach you show.
> Maybe we will never know - this sentence is now gone.
> There was an R4 (which still had this section), and now an R5
> in which this whole section is redacted.
> On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 3:27 AM Uecker, Martin via Liaison <
> liaison_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> Just a small comment on P2128R3. There is says
>> "generic interoperability with C-style pointer-to-pointer
>> arrays c"
>> I assume this refers to code like this to creat
>> something which looks like a multi-dimensional array:
>> double **x = xmalloc(N * sizeof(double*));
>> for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
>> x[i] = xmalloc(M * sizeof(double));
>> for (int j = 0; j < M; j++)
>> x[i][j] = 0.;
>> }
>> I just want to point out that this is not how we
>> would do this in C since at least C99. Instead
>> we write:
>> double (*x)[M] = xmalloc(sizeof(double[N][M]));
>> x[i][j] = 0.;
>> or sometimes (to more clearly differentiate
>> between pointers and arrays):
>> double (*xp)[N][M] = xmalloc(sizeof *xp);
>> (*xp)[i][j] = 1.;
>> With this, you the multi-dimensional array is
>> a single object and one also gets run-time bounds
>> checking for free if the compiler supports this.
>> Best,
>> Martin
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Received on 2021-04-25 14:46:26