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Re: [wg14/wg21 liaison] (SC22WG14.19283) adding punctuator tokens

From: Jens Gustedt <jens.gustedt_at_[hidden]>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2021 09:16:03 +0200

on Thu, 15 Apr 2021 17:32:16 +0000 you (Joseph Myers
<joseph_at_[hidden]>) wrote:

> Punctuator pp-tokens that are safe to add because they don't
> introduce this issue (although they could still have compatibility
> issues if they affect the interpretation of existing valid code)
> involve only characters in the basic source character set other than
> ' and ".

All the replacements for operator tokens (including `∷`) that I have
proposed so far replace existing tokens that fall in that category and
that then would be the natural digraph replacements for these.

For `⟦` and `⟧` the difference is that they officially do not replace
a single token but two tokens, so lexing would be a bit different. But
according to Aaron (if I understood correctly) current C++ prohibits
the use of `[` `[` in a row that are not starting an attribute (=UB
for allowing extensions). So we will probably also get this for C and
I would add a recommendation that users don't put spaces between
these and put parenthesis around lambda expressions when they are used
in an array bound or array access.


:: INRIA Nancy Grand Est ::: Camus ::::::: ICube/ICPS :::
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Received on 2021-04-16 02:16:12