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[wg14/wg21 liaison] Scheduling a recurring SG22 meeting

From: Aaron Ballman <compatibility.sg.chair_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2021 12:00:56 -0500
Hello! As mentioned at the last meeting, I'm sending out a Doodle poll
to see if we can schedule a recurring monthly (two hour long) meeting
on C and C++ compatibility. When you have a moment, please fill out
this Doodle poll to let me know what times work best for you:

The meeting recurrence will be the Nth weekday of the month, so
marking Mar 18 means "the third Thur of each month", modulo scheduling
conflicts with other committee work (like WG14 week-long meetings or
other SG meetings).

I'd like your responses by Sun Feb 21, and once I've got a date
selected, I'll send out a notice to the mailing list and start
contacting paper authors about scheduling papers for the agenda.



Received on 2021-02-16 11:01:13