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[wg14/wg21 liaison] recent WG14 papers

From: Uecker, Martin <Martin.Uecker_at_[hidden]>
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2021 08:23:22 +0000

Here is a list of my recent papers for WG14 and
how they might affect C++.


N2663 Lifetime, Blocks, and Labels

This is about fixing a minor unintended side effect
of the recent label change. Probably, not relevant
to C++.

(BTW: There is still the issue about labels at end of
compound statements C++ may want to add as well.)

N2662 maybe_unused attribute for labels

This proposed to add labels to the list of things
the maybe_unused attribute can be applied to.
This is something C++ may also want to do.

N2661 nested functions

I like regular nested functions because they
are so simple, useful, and perfectly integrate with C.
So here is my proposal. I always wondered why C++
directly added anonymous nested functions (i.e. lambda
expressions) which are a much more complicated version
of nested functions but not also regular nested

N2660 improved bounds checking for array types

This is a collection of proposal to better integrate
array types in C and fix some edge cases. The
proposals are not very concrete in this document
(although many were proposed before). It is just
a summary of what could be done for C23.

Received on 2021-02-14 02:23:29