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[wg14/wg21 liaison] [ String Literals ] Combinations of String Literals

From: JeanHeyd Meneide <phdofthehouse_at_[hidden]>
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2020 08:56:32 -0400
Hello everyone, small implementation question here!

     It is "conditionally supported" to allow concatenating string
literals of different prefixes together. However, none of the Big
Compilers™ accept such code: https://compiler-explorer.com/z/4NDo-4

(* Inline, the code looks like:

void f() {
{ auto a = L"" u""; }
{ auto a = L"" u8""; }
{ auto a = L"" U""; }

{ auto a = u8"" L""; }
{ auto a = u8"" u""; }
{ auto a = u8"" U""; }

{ auto a = u"" L""; }
{ auto a = u"" u8""; }
{ auto a = u"" U""; }

{ auto a = U"" L""; }
{ auto a = U"" u""; }
{ auto a = U"" u8""; }


     C++'s Study Group 16 - The Unicode/Text Group - has been
considering proposals for removing such a thing since it seems nobody
is implementing. I'd like to get a feel for if there are any C
compilers that do implement string concatenation from different
prefixes together, and what their results are? If nobody has
implemented it or even tried to use it, it will serve as a data point
for SG16 about the status of this conditionally supported feature.

Best Wishes,

Received on 2020-07-09 08:00:00