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nodeclspec-function-declaration Russell Shaw (2024-04-25 13:33:05)

Safety critical C++ inheritance? Richard Bamford (2024-04-17 20:23:31)

noexcept(auto)? Yongwei Wu (2024-04-16 02:43:50)

Storing to truncated enum bitfields Christopher Hallock (2024-04-10 21:26:03)

Why abandon lambda-styled captures in the latest Contracts MVP, and adopt the implicit const-ness instead? vspefs (2024-04-09 13:31:08)

constexpr functions and variables Federico Kircheis (2024-04-03 09:53:50)

nodeclspec-function-declaration Russell Shaw (2024-04-01 02:25:52)

Last message date: 2024-04-26 06:06:43