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Fwd: [basic.life]#8 contradictions

From: Matthew House <mattlloydhouse_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 18:02:13 -0400
On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 3:14 PM Mykola Garkusha
<garkusha.mykola_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> > Simply removing "reused" from [basic.life]/8 would be overly broad: if the
> > storage of a T object is reused for a U object, and then the storage of the U
> > object is reused for another T object, then I don't think it's intended for the
> > first T object to be transparently replaceable by the second. It would also have
> > to say that only the first object to reuse the storage is eligible for
> > transparently replacing the original object.
> >
> Yeah, fair point actually. But could not it be said more explicitly that this
> only applies to the next object to be created in the storage that the original
> pointer pointed to, which would have made it clearer and removed confusion?

Yes, when I said that the paragraph should apply "only the first object to reuse
the storage", I meant that it should be amended to include such an explicit
remark (if "reused" is removed); my apologies if I was unclear.

> > Otherwise, I agree that the wording is a bit weird. I think a lot of it comes
> > down to when exactly the new object is *created*, which is the precise operation
> > that [basic.life]/8 cares about. One possible interpretation can be derived from
> > the wording of [intro.object]/10, where implicitly creating objects "creates and
> > starts the lifetime" of those objects. If "starting the lifetime" of an object
> > includes obtaining its storage per [basic.life]/(1.1), then this implies that
> > creating an object occurs *before* obtaining its storage. Thus, under this
> > reading, there is no contradiction in [basic.life]/8, since the storage hasn't
> > yet been reused at the point when the new object is created.
> Note sure I follow your reasoning, that objects may be created before
> obtaining storage. Each object has storage duration which is the property it
> must have at creation [intro.object]/1. Although I am not fully clear what is
> the formal definition of "obtaining storage". But even if objects could be
> created before obtaining storage, that would only cover a few cases:
> implicitly created objects and trivially constructible objects

By [intro.object]/1, an object's storage duration is indeed determined at the
point of creation. However, the *storage duration* is distinct from the
*lifetime*, even though it influences the lifetime. As a property of an object,
storage duration is effectively just an enum value, defined in [basic.stc]: an
object has either static, thread, automatic, or dynamic storage duration.
Meanwhile, nothing says that the lifetime itself is one of the properties
determined on creation. Therefore, there is room for an interpretation where an
object's storage duration is decided on creation, and only later is storage
actually obtained as a prerequisite for initialization.

As for a formal definition of *obtaining storage* for an object, I'd say it's a
primitive operation defined primarily by its consequences. By my reading,
obtaining storage for an object is what causes it to start occupying a region of
storage and enter its period of construction, if we refer to [intro.object]/1.
And by [basic.life]/(1.1), obtaining storage is a prerequisite for the lifetime
of an object to start, so every operation that starts the lifetime of an object
will also obtain storage for that object at some point. (This includes every
operation that creates an object, since they all attempt to start its lifetime.)
But even though it wouldn't make sense for creation to occur after the period of
construction begins, it's not clear that creation doesn't occur *before* that
period begins.

> > However, this is not as clear-cut for other methods of creating an object. For
> > instance, it is very clear that new-expressions obtain storage ([basic.life]/1)
> > and initialize the object ([expr.new]/21) only after the allocation function
> > returns. But at what point does it create the object? The standard appears to be
> > completely silent on this question. It would definitely be nice of the timing of
> > object creation could be clarified in general.
> [intro.object]/1 does tell when the object is created. To me, it means the
> operations listed there create objects. To be created, those operations must
> be complete as no extra information is given, which seems ok. But on the other
> hand, the standard does mention now that re-use
> [http://eel.is/c++draft/basic#life-1.5] of storage happens at some point
> before or *at the time*(just trying to be conservative) the object is created.
> But still the *re-use* would NOT happen before the object is created so the
> whole [basic.life]/8 condition appears to be violated if *re-use* is taken
> literally.

Alas, the wording of the standard is not very conducive to adding our own
assumptions when no extra information is given. In this case, it doesn't really
make sense to infer that the listed operations in [intro.object]/1 only create
objects at the point of completion. Before it completes, a new-expression can
call a user-defined constructor in order to initialize the new object. For the
constructor to receive a 'this' pointer referring to the new object under
construction, the new-expression must have already created that object and
obtained its storage at some earlier point in time. Thus, at best, we can infer
from [intro.object]/1 that the listed operations create objects at some
unspecified point between their start and completion.

Also, I don't see how you make that inference about object creation from
[basic.life]/(1.5). That bullet only states that reusing storage for a new
object causes the lifetime of any old object occupying that storage to end. (And
again, by my reading, "reusing storage" is just a particular kind of "obtaining
storage", which is just "causing an object to start occupying storage".) It
doesn't appear to say anything at all about object *creation*?

Thank you,
Matthew House

Received on 2023-10-02 22:02:25