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Interpretation of __VA_OPT__ Edward Diener (2019-10-31 21:27:15)

A contradiction in the description of the enclosed namespace Vladimir Grigoriev (2019-10-25 11:33:55)

Extending a namespace in an inline namespace that initially was defined in the enclosing namespace of the inline namespace Vladimir Grigoriev (2019-10-23 18:11:47)

Destruction order of statically-initialized objects (like std::mutex) Kevin Bracey (2019-10-23 16:58:50)

Should std::atomic<T*> have operator->? Giuseppe D'Angelo (2019-10-21 07:38:24)

Seeking a better constexpr Jeremy Ong (2019-10-14 04:57:40)

Re: Lifetime of references Krystian Stasiowski (2019-10-11 16:38:29)

Lifetime of references language.lawyer_at (2019-10-11 16:33:30)

std::valarray<T>::resize Vladimir Grigoriev (2019-10-11 11:42:23)

Re: Does [expr.call]/1 correctly authorize the snippet below to compile? Krystian Stasiowski (2019-10-10 14:25:22)

Does [expr.call]/1 correctly authorize the snippet below to compile? J.A. Belloc (2019-10-10 13:08:21)

std::valarray<T>: deduction guide. Vladimir Grigoriev (2019-10-08 15:41:04)

Syntax of pointers to functions, members, and member functions John.Adriaan_at_[hidden] (2019-10-01 11:25:51)

Re: Explicit instantiation declarations and requires clauses Christopher Head (2019-10-22 05:07:55)

Last message date: 2019-10-31 21:27:15