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[wg14/wg21 liaison] Contracts progress

From: John Spicer <jhs_at_[hidden]>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2021 10:17:57 -0400
The notes below are from my submission for the pre-meeting teleconference today.

If SG22 has any concerns regarding the proposed direction, please post comments on the SG21 list and/or attend the 10/5 SG21 telecon.

I would note that syntax is not different from the syntax that was part of the C++20 working draft for quite some time, at least in ways that should impact interactions that SG22 is concerned with.

Thanks very much,

John Spicer
SG21 Contract Chair


SG21 Contracts:

We have had two telecons to discuss the minimal viable product for contracts.. At the most recent, on July 20, we polled this question: SG21 would like to continue work on P2388R0 as the contract support for C++23 and proceed to develop wording

8 4 2 0 0

We have a follow-on telecon scheduled for October 5 to discuss open issues and start reviewing wording.

Received on 2021-09-20 09:18:01